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Clinical Hypnosis Session – 60 Minute Follow-Up


60-minute Clinical Hypnosis Session with Laura Benton


Clinical Hypnosis Session for Self-Care and Transformation

With Laura Benton, RN, MSN

Online Sessions and Recorded for Review

Clinical hypnosis is done by a licensed medical professional. We begin by determining what changes in your life you would like to make and then crafting positive suggestions to improve your physical health and emotional well-being. 

While in deep relaxation, you will be able to implement these powerful suggestions during the clinical hypnosis session so you can rewrite your story to make the changes in your life you desire.. 

Hypnosis is a very effective tool for helping with habit change, especially the habits of thought that limit you from achieving your full potential as a happy, healthy human being.

90 Minute First Session – $195

60 Minute Follow-up Sessions – $125

Special package – $395

Includes 90-minute initial session and two 60-minute sessions

*Appointments are non-refundable & cancellations within 48 hours of scheduled appointment time are subject to a rescheduling fee.

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