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Astrology & Yoga Special Series – Austin, TX
September 25, 2018 @ 6:30 pm - November 27, 2018 @ 9:00 pm UTC-5

Come experience and learn Vedic Astrology, the sister science of Yoga, in this extensive training with Mehtab, certified Vedic Astrologer and Yoga Teacher Trainer, and Tej Arvind Fuls, a trained astrologer and Hatha Yoga Teacher Trainer.
The training is a 25-hour in-depth course over 10 Tuesday evenings and the course is open to students and teachers.
Certified yoga teachers who complete both segments will be qualified to use the teachings of Astrology Yoga in their classes.
The 10 week special series will expand on the use of astrology in personal practice (regardless of yoga type) and will be especially useful to teachers and students who want to use this information to guide their teaching and own practice, including the relationship of astrology and the planets to asanas, mantras, pranayama, mudras and practice timing considerations.
The course curriculum consists of ten 2½ hour classes arranged as follows:
Asana Theory and Structure
Planetary Meditations
Astrological Mudras and Pranayama
Planetary Mantra and Sound
Astrology Yoga Teaching Methodology
Optimal Timing of Yoga Practices
Vedic Philosophy and the role of Astrology in Spiritual Development
Chakras and Planets
Astrology Yoga Teaching Practicums
Prior knowledge or astrology yoga classes with Mehtab is highly recommended for this specialized series, as is a willingness to conduct and/or participate in Astrology Yoga practicums.
September 25 – November 27
Yoga Yoga Westake
Tuesday nights 6:30pm – 9:00pm
The required text book for this weekend is ASTROLOGY YOGA by Mehtab Benton
Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT), apply these hours towards your CEU requirements.
Contact Us for Registration