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Join us and celebrate the arrival of Winter Solstice with a weekend of celebration!
Full Moon Gong Solstice Night: December 21
Enjoy a deep relaxation into candlelight with the sound of 13 gongs.
Clearing Past Karmas: December 22
At the end of a year, it is time to release the past and to prepare for new opportunities. Clear the karmas of this past year, the past life, and all the past experiences that your soul has journeyed through. Heal the issues around family and relationships. We end with a powerful meditation to release all the “ghosts of the past” and to change old patterns into new beginnings.
High for the Holidays: December 23
It’s time to get down to get up! This powerful Kundalini immersion will
elevate your mood and strengthen your aura to protect you through holiday travels and gatherings. You will learn practices and simple meditations to bring peace, calm and contentment during this challenging yet potent time of year’s end. Blast into the New Year with a sustained sense of energy when you come get high for the holidays.