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Total Transformation – 15 Minutes!

The practice of Yoga takes place over multiple lifetimes, and every advance you make carries forward throughout the soul’s journey. 

No effort you make in yoga is ever wasted, and everything counts for now and forever. Success is not about reaching a destination but learning from the journey.

And while yoga requires us to relax into the certainty of the transformation that occurs over a lifetime of practice, results come quickly – from your first Kundalini Yoga class through the first six weeks of a regular practice.

An example of this instant transformation is a Kundalini Yoga set that only takes 15 minutes.

It is one of the most effective sequences I know for increasing energy and relieving depression.

Low energy is symptomatic of a weak navel point, or third chakra. Depression is associated with blocked energy in the lower three chakras, particularly the first chakra.

This set activates the energy in the lower three chakras and transmutes to the higher chakras to create a sense of elevation and energy.

The practice is short, but you do repeat it for a total of 3 to 4 times. You can begin with shorter times, but when you work up to the full times the results are amazing.

Try it – total transformation in three minutes!

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 Yoga Set for Energy

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