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Kundalini Yoga with Mehtab

mehtab and guru karam holding a mudra

About Kundalini Yoga with Mehtab

Kundalini Yoga is one of the major systems of yoga instruction. Kundalini Yoga uses dynamic yoga postures, energetic breathing techniques, mantra (sound) and meditation to awaken and develop the spiritual energy within each person.

The Kundalini Yoga Level 1 certification program is open to students who desire a deep immersion and understanding of Kundalini Yoga and for those who wish to receive professional training as yoga teachers.

The Kundalini Yoga Level 2 training program is for experienced Kundalini yoga students as well as Kundalini yoga teachers who wish to pursue advanced certification.

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Gong Yoga Nidra Training – Online


Gong Yoga Nidra Training Online | Learn how to use the Gong therapeutically for deep relaxation and transformation in this certified sound healing course.


Vitality and Stress: In-Person or Online

Soul Body Ojai 206 N. Signal St., Ojai, CA, United States

Vitality and Stress Kundalini Training | Learn how to use tools to build your vitality so you can transform stress and balance it with conscious relaxation.

on-demand training & experiences with yogi mehtab

Kundalini Newsletter

Discover Kundalini Yoga Online

Discover Kundalini Yoga Online

The rise of online Kundalini Yoga has enabled a global community to practice from home, teaching nearly 1,000 students across various countries. The approach emphasizes the convenience of online learning and the unique benefits of meditating in a personal space, while offering a 100% online Teacher Training course starting May 4th.

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How Mantras Work

How Mantras Work

antras, sacred sounds, are used in all the practices of yoga, from postures to breath to meditation. They help focus the mind, direct the flow of prana, and center us in the present.

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Discover Kundalini Rebirthing

Discover Kundalini Rebirthing

A series of powerful Kundalini Yoga classes were taught around “rebirthing,” or clearing the birth traumas from the subconscious mind.  By using pranayama and movement, these re-birthing classes help correct problems associated with the birth, including the distress of the child that occurs with the first breath and the emotional state of the mother before and during the birth.

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Seeing Colors When Meditating

Seeing Colors When Meditating

The presence of any color during meditation primarily indicates you are becoming more focused, sensitive, and aware, so seeing colors is good. You are beginning to experience a reality that transcends the ordinary five senses.

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Meditation for Pain Relief

Meditation for Pain Relief

There are many techniques for working with pain through yoga – mantra, breath awareness, and lifestyle choices – but I would like to share a meditation that is also physiologically effective through the production of endorphins, the natural pain-relieving hormones produced by the body, that activate our natural opiate receptors and causes an analgesic effect to relieve pain and reduce the stress that accompanies the pain.

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Why is Yoga Hard?

Why is Yoga Hard?

Why is yoga hard? The answer is simple: Yoga changes you from the inside out in ways you could never imagine.

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The Secret Kundalini Meditation

The Secret Kundalini Meditation

I first experienced this meditation when it was first taught (at least in the Western world) in Espanola, New Mexico and fell in love with it from the very first time. But I have never seen any mention or write up on it since then.

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Mercury Retrograde in Astrology

Mercury Retrograde in Astrology

However, there are steps you can take to make this and the next Mercury retrograde more comfortable. But it may take a little shopping.

In Vedic astrology there are practices called “upayas,” or remedies to ameliorate the unpleasant effects of challenging planets.

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Kundalini Yoga for Brain Fog

Kundalini Yoga for Brain Fog

The regular practice of yoga, and especially certain specific Kundalini meditations and techniques, can help you with all the major nonmedical contributors to brain fog.

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The Yogic Diet: Eat Your Stress Away

The Yogic Diet: Eat Your Stress Away

the yogic diet is one of the most health-producing aspects of Kundalini Yoga.

In the practice of Yoga and Ayurveda, foods are used as medicines for the body. Certain foods have specific healing properties according to the Yogis.

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Meditation for Spring Equinox

Meditation for Spring Equinox

The Meditation for Spring Equinox balances the Sun and Moon energies within our body and brain since It is a time when the day and night are equal in length.

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The Neutral Mind

The Neutral Mind

The Neutral Mind is essentially the meditative mind, in which there is an ability to access and discern the reality of a situation before action is taken. Otherwise, without this meditative mind there is a strong tendency to simply react, or to polarize and position ourselves in a place of duality.

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The SA TA NA MA Mantra

The SA TA NA MA Mantra

The SA TA NA MA mantra offers a sense of initiation, extension, stability, dissolution and a return or a rebirth, the cycle of the cosmos and our lives.

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Magic Fingers: Mudras in Yoga

Magic Fingers: Mudras in Yoga

The greatest secret in yoga is right at the tip of your figures. Literally. When you use mudras in yoga, you can take your practice and health to a new level.

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Tea for Immunity: It’s Thyme for Yogi Tea

It’s Thyme for Yogi Tea! The health benefits of Yogi Tea, the beverage of choice for Kundalini Yoga practitioners, are well known: Improves digestion Increases circulation, Purifies the liver Strengthens the circulatory system Helps the lungs and respiratory system...

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